Did you notice that your dental crown chipped? While it can be stressful and even alarming, there is no need to worry as there are solutions for situations like this. However, you do need to take immediate action. That’s because when dental crowns break, the tooth is left exposed to harmful bacteria.
So, here’s what you need to do if your dental crown is chipped or broken.
Types of Damage Dental Crowns Can Suffer
Dental crowns can suffer all sorts of damages and you need to keep an open eye to spot them early on.
- Cracked Crown – The crack can be visible at a closer look, and it shows on the surface of the crown.
- Hairline Fractured Crown – It’s a very subtle fracture that can be observed by the dentist as it’s usually not visible.
- Chipped Crown – It happens when a small part of the crown breaks off.
- Broken Crown – It happens when a large part of the crown has broken.
Usually, dental crowns do not just break by themselves. This event usually involves an accident of some sort or it may be because of excessive grinding and clenching. Though they can wear out in time, dental crowns are generally very resistant. In case you have suffered an injury and your dental crown is affected, book an appointment with your Baltimore dentist immediately.
What to Do If a Crown Gets Chipped
Depending on how much the crown was impacted and how much of it chipped, there are several ways to fix it.
- Firstly, check to see if you’ve hurt your mouth in any way, such as cutting your lip or inside of your cheeks.
- Examine the chipped crown to avoid it falling and even swallowing it.
- Go to a pharmacy and ask for assistance if you can’t visit your dentist that same day.
As soon as you can, go and see your dentist. Based on the extent of the damage, they can determine if the crown can be fixed or if it should be replaced.
Call Our Baltimore Team If You Need Assistance
A chipped crown is usually not an emergency. However, if you are experiencing severe pain or are in a lot of discomfort, then you should get in touch with your dentist as soon as possible.
At Waterfront Dental in Baltimore, we strive to provide a relaxed, comfortable, and safe atmosphere to help our patients get the smiles of their dreams. We only use the latest tools and technologies and focus on delivering exceptional dental services based on your unique needs.
If you want to learn more about our services, we encourage you to get in touch with us online or by calling us at (410) 505-0551. You can also book a virtual consultation to see if our doctors meet your criteria and if you can get the type of dental treatment you need and want.